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Table 1 Ecological meaning

From: Qualitative analysis of a prey–predator model with prey refuge and intraspecific competition among predators


Biological/ecological meaning


Growth rate of prey population in the absence of predators,


Growth rate of predators (based on the convention coefficients from prey individuals to predator individuals),


Strength of competition among individuals of prey species,

\(\delta _{1}\)

Maximum value of per capita reduction rate of prey,

\(\delta _{2}\)

Maximum value of per capita predator consumption rate,

\(\delta _{3}\)

Death rate of predators,

\(\chi _{1}\)

Half saturation constant of prey in absence of refuge,

\(\chi _{2}\)

Measures the handling time of prey on the feeding rate,

\(\chi _{3}\)

Coefficient of interference (disturbance) among predators,

\(\chi _{4}\)

Measures the extent to which the environment provides protection to a predator.